Today we will talk about a programming language designed specifically for working with
data and address the question What is SQL?

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language), stands for structured query language. A query language is a type of programming language designed to facilitate retrieval of specific information from databases. For this reason, SQL is also called “the language of databases”.

A database, which we can define as a table consisting of rows and columns, models real
values by storing them in tables. All dynamic websites on the Internet, such as banking, social media sites, and e-commerce, are based on databases. 

SQL was developed by Raymond Boyce
and Donald Chamberlain in the early
1970s as a method for accessing IBM’s
System R database. In 1986, SQL
became an American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standard and in 1987, an
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) standard, forming
the basis for database management.

Although SQL is older than many other types of code, it is still the most widely used database language and a powerful tool for communicating with database management systems.

Compared to programming languages used for various functions in our daily lives, SQL is easier to learn and use. All Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) such as MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres and SQL Server use SQL as the standard database language.

  • SQL plays a very important role in databases, but it can’t do it all by itself. Here are the elements it works with:
    RDBMS Database System (MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, SQL Server…)
  • Server side script (such as ASP, PHS)
  • SQL Commands 

Esra Gül Er

Designbees – Praktikantin 2023